Photo Essays About The Construction of Oak au Vino

Shingling The Walls

April 15th 2015: The east end of the attic is still open. But we decided to get some of the shingles on so that Liza could help. I started by putting the corner trim boards in place. I then installed the first row of shingles all of the way around the bottom of the walls. I also did some of the tricky corner sections and around the windows. Liza did the rest.

April 15th 2015: The south side just needs a new strip of roofing felt to cover the sheathing. I started the first row and some of the shingles around the window.

April 15th 2015: Liza did the shingling on the entire north side and most of the west end. It just needs strips of roofing felt to cover the sheathing.

April 15th 2015: Back at the east end the shingling is almost done on the lower portion.

April 19th 2015: The east end sheathing is almost done. The north wall is trimmed and ready for stain on the shingles.

April 19th 2015: The north side is completely trimmed and shingled.

April 19th 2015: The south side is completely trimmed and shingled.

April 20th 2015: The west end tar paper was replaced. We ran out of shingles at this point. I needed to go buy more.

April 20th 2015: The east end is tar papered and the shingling is done until we get more shingles.

April 22nd 2015: The west end is getting its final shingles.

April 22nd 2015: The east end is getting its final shingles.

April 22nd 2015: The south side and east end have been stained with "Red Cedar Naturaltone" from Olympia.

May 8th 2015: The lower portion of the west end and the entire north side have been stained with "Red Cedar Naturaltone" from Olympia. The west end shingling on top was finished after the staining was done.

May 8th 2015: The east end shingling was finished.

May 8th 2015: The west end shingles have been stained with "Red Cedar Naturaltone" from Olympia.

May 8th 2015: The east end shingles have been stained with "Red Cedar Naturaltone" from Olympia. Liza is TIRED!



Terms Of Use: This website contains information about the development of the land and home of Liza and Will Jensen. We make it public to help others in their own home development projects.

Information about the Klamath River Country Estates (KRCE) is of a public nature and is put here for your convenience. It can be helpful if you are considering buying land in this subdivision.

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