Photo Essays About The Construction of Oak au Vino

The Attic and Roof

December 6th 2014: The roofline is beginning to take shape with the installation of the frames for the end windows of the attic.

December 7th 2014: A daylight version of the end window frames in the attic.

December 7th 2014: The northwest view of the attic end window frames in place. The metal bracket is attached to the top piece for the ridgebeam to sit.

December 7th 2014: The southwest view of the shed with attic window frames in place and the lower windows are in place as well. Ready for roof?

December 7th 2014: First rafters of the roof are in place - just as the night falls. One more day to go.

December 8th 2014: Rafters are in place and the west end is nearly sheathed.

December 8th 2014: A view from the southwest. I did get the west end sheathed completely and covered in black paper. I got the window in, but no time to take photos before I had to get the tarp on for the winter.

December 8th 2014: A view from the east. The last stud did get nailed into place, but no sheathing was started. So it was covered by a tarp for the winter.

December 8th 2014: A final view from the northwest while I was eating lunch. I took the tarp down with me and finished the west end before having to put the tarp on. I hoped all would be well when I returned in the Spring.

2015 Construction Season

April 11th 2015: I stripped the tarp loose from the shed early on the 11th and put it in the trash bin. By noon I had the OSB sheathing on the south side of the roof.

April 11th 2015: By evening I had the OSB sheathing on the north side of the roof.

April 21st 2015: Once I got the sheathing on the roof, I had to get the east end sheathing on. Then I needed to complete the corner and edge trim so that we could ensure the roof sheathing matched the trim edges.

April 21st 2015: We got the trim work done and had the rolled roofing felt on the sides.

April 21st 2015: By evening I had the roofing felt covering the OSB sheathing on the roof.

April 21st 2015: Really weather tight now!

April 22nd 2015: Today was one of those beautiful days when I do dangerous work in high winds. Getting the heavy 90 pound rolled roofing up onto the roof, then unrolling and nailing it while holding it carefully to keep it aligned properly, was no easy task when the ladder was extended to its fullest length. Oh Boy!!!

At times I had to hold nails between my lips, while using my right hand to press the point of a roofing nail into the tar paper and then using the hammer in my right hand to drive the nail home. Meanwhile the left hand was holding the roll of roofing in alignment. And all of this while balancing atop the extended ladder with my upper body above the edge of the roof - precarious work.

April 22nd 2015: Really weather tight now! It was dangerous work. I violated every roofer-safety rule to get it done. But, I'm content to be mindful in the moment of danger and content with the end result of taking the risks.



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