General & Miscellaneous Information About The

Klamath River Country Estates Subdivision

This Information is Useful to Owners and Would-Be Owners of KRCE Property

The Information is Public

WARNING! Some of the file links in this section may take a very long time to load if the files are over 1 MB in size. If a link is taking too long for you, then you could use your right mouse button on the link to 'Download' or 'Save' the file to your computer and then view it.

This page is about information that fits into a large number of categories. I have tried to keep the categories to just seven. So, some 'forced fitting' has occured.

If you click on the 'Category' drop-down menus above you can see by the descriptions what the page link is about. Explore and have fun.


Terms Of Use: This website contains information about the development of the land and home of Liza and Will Jensen. We make it public to help others in their own home development projects.

Information about the Klamath River Country Estates (KRCE) is of a public nature and is put here for your convenience. It can be helpful if you are considering buying land in this subdivision.

The Information and Images about our home are subject to all International Laws of Copyright. You CANNOT make use of these images for any reason of a commercial nature nor transfer possession to others without permission of Liza and Will. See our "Find Us" page for contact info.

Trademarks and Copyright © Since 1992 are Owned by Will Jensen, U.S.A.